Over the last 43 years, we have completed road projects all over the Ozark and Ouachita National Forest and thousands of private projects. Following are a few of these projects:
Company Name: Kimbrough Construction
Contact: Clinton Kimbrough
Contract Date: 06/20/99 - 08/14/01
Project: Mt. Magazine Visitor Center, Maintenance Building, Camp Ground
Project Description: Clearing site for construction of Visitor Center, maintenance building and camp grounds. Strip topsoil, remove existing restrooms, 5000 C.Y. Excavation, compaction, testing, hauling aggregate. Remove large boulders (relocate.)
Company Name: Waste Management
Contact: Jim Dunbar - Division Landfill Engineer
Contract Date: 11/01/01-11/01/02
GEC Project Number: 01096
Project: Relocation of County Road #47, Yell County
Project Description: Clearing and grubbing (90 foot width), construct county road base course, surface course and shoulder, excavation for roadway, placement of geotextile fabric, placement of compacted fill, poured in place 150 foot (3) (3’x6’) box culverts 150 L.F., installation of CSP, placement of rip rap at each culvert inlet & outlets, signs, seeding & mulching ditch & roadway right-a-ways.
Company Name: City of Belleville
Contact: John Morey - Affiliated Engineers
Contract Date: 07/08/02-05/10/03
Project: Sewer System Installation
Project Description: Trenching, installation of sewer pipe and service lines to residents, lift stations, pump station, grinder pumps.
Company Name: Time Stripping
Contact: A.D. Morris
Contract Date: 09/09-11/09
Project: Extension of Runway
Project Description: Construction and erosion control, remove old taxiway and turn around, added to landing strip, constructed embankment, seeding and mulching.
Company Name: CV’s Grocery
Contact: Harold Jones
Contract Date: 04/02/1-06/07/11
Project: CV’s Family Grocery Store - Building Site
Project Description: Construct building site for new store in Danville, AR. Undercut, construct storm drainage system, construct french drain, backfill and compact to specifications. Compaction testing.
Company Name: Federal Highway Administration & USDA - Landslide - Richland
Contract #: DTFH71-11-C-00024 (Bonded)
Contract Date: 12/24/11-05/19/12
Project: Landslide Repair
Project Description: Mobilization, construct survey & staking, soil erosion control, silt fence, temporary culvert pipe, filter berms, diversion berm, check dam, clearing and grubbing, removal of pipe culvert, embankment construction, ditch excavation, backfill, geotextile stabilization, aggregate, surface diamond grinding, install 18” elliptical pipe culvert, end section, install 6” outlet pipe, furnish and place topsoil for turf establishment, rolled erosion control, install cellular confinement system, traffic control, furnish field office.
Company Name: USDA, Forest Service
Contact: USFS - Ed Schmitt
Contract #: AG-447U-D-12-0475 (Bonded)
Contract Date: 11/05/12-07/10/13
Project: USDA - North Wicked Creek Low Water Crossing
Project Description: Clearing and grubbing, surveying, erosion control, silt fence, ditch checks, stump removal & disposal, remove existing low water crossing, construct detour, erect prefabricated bridge, pour wing walls & foundations, rock dowels, construct curbs on bridge, road closure, road barricades, placement of road signs, water markers, pour slopes, seed & mulch, placement of rip rap.
Company Name: West Fraiser, Inc.
Contact: USDA - Gary McElroy
Contract #: 0810-06-010421
Contract Date: 08/05/13-05/09/14 (Not Bonded)
Project: Hovey Timber Sale
Project Description: Reconstruction of Road #1600 (New Blaine), Road #1601 (Spring Lake Road), Road #1602 (Spring Lake Road). Clearing & grubbing, placement of borrow material, construct 4800 L.F. “V” ditches & wing ditches, placement of rip rap, hauling and placement of 3600 C.Y. of Class 5 aggre, install 474 L.F. 18” polymeric coated CSP, seed, mulch and fertilize 2.5 acres.
Company Name: USDA, Forest Service
Contact: USDA - Jason Davis
Contract #: AG-447U-C-13-0090
Order#: AG-447U-D-14-0503
Contract Date: 09/23/14-10/03/14 (Not Bonded)
Project: USDA, Big Shoal Creek Bridge Tension Rod Replacement
Project Description: Replace tension rod on bridge, install 2” nominal timber cap on railing.
Company Name: Yell County Road Dept.
Contact: Mark Thone
Contract Date: 07/07/15-07/28/15 (Not Bonded)
Project: YE#36 - Spring Lake - Dual Box Culvert
Project Description: Yell County will purchase box culvert. Maintain existing road, construct detour, clearing & stump removal, construct ditches, remove existing bridge & install dual box culverts, construct concrete curbs, placement and haul aggregate 450 cy, install vertical drain with 6” SWD drain system, remove detour.